Sleep Articles
Browse Articles on Sleep Disorders & Sleep Problems

Snoring May Indicate More Serious Problems
From The Daily Courier… On its own, snoring is not necessarily a serious concern. That is the word from Dr. Robert Rosenberg, medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center of Prescott Valley and the author of Sleep Soundly Every Night, Feel Fantastic Every Day....
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7 Lifestyle Changes That Will Improve Sleep Quality and Quantity
Sleep is one of the handful of life-sustaining tasks (like food and drinking water) that we only seem to think about once a year, when resolutions have us overanalyzing our routines in search of fault lines. What most people find is that they do not get nearly...
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8 Great Reasons to Get More Sleep – Starting Tonight
Too many of us fight sleep, not wanting to miss anything. Unfortunately, as with most things in life, there are consequences when you don’t get enough sleep. Here are eight health reasons why you should turn off the light (and the TV and tablet) earlier tonight:...
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Sleep Better With Hypothyroidism
Besides causing daytime fatigue by slowing metabolism, hypothyroidism increases risk for some sleep disorders. About 30 percent of people with hypothyroidism have sleep apnea. In this group of people, it’s the drop in oxygen and the struggle to breathe against a...
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Spare Your Brain – Wear Your CPAP
Over the last several years, we have had an explosion of studies demonstrating the damage sleep apnea can do to the human brain. The most recent one from New York University was published in the journal Neurology. In this study, 2,400 people were followed over a...
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Back to School: How to Help Your Children Get a Good Night’s Sleep
What are some of the issues that parents might face in terms of their children’s sleep when they go back to school? The biggest issue is late bedtimes and awakenings. Their circadian rhythms have been thrown off, making it more difficult to awaken for school. Lack of...
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