Sleep Articles
Browse Articles on Sleep Disorders & Sleep Problems

Ten Things You Need To Know About Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea occurs when you go to sleep. The muscles of the throat collapse and the movement of air is obstructed. If this lasts for ten or more seconds and occurs more than five times an hour, it is sleep apnea. Estimates are that over 18 million Americans have this...
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Sleep Apnea and Sexual Dysfunction in Women
Until recently, when it came to sexual problems and sleep apnea, all we ever heard about were men. The relationship between erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, and sleep apnea has been well established. In fact, several studies have documented definite improvement...
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What About Naps?
When I was growing up, naps were looked upon negatively. In fact, many thought that naps were a sign of laziness. Unfortunately, back then we did not understand the value of naps. We were literally in the dark ages. In recent years, we have come to appreciate the...
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The Night Eaters
I find it fascinating that while asleep and in a prolonged fasting state, our blood sugar does not drop. A similar period of fasting, while awake, would result in drops in blood sugar and increases in appetite. However, why is it that when we sleep this does not...
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America’s Love Affair With Sleeping Pills
Researchers from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics have just published a survey on the use of prescription sleep aids in the US. The startling results were that 1 in every 25 Americans is taking a prescription sleep medication. They also found that...
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Treating Sleep Apnea in Children
There has been some debate in the medical literature about how to approach the child with sleep apnea. One school of thought is that if it is not too severe, they can be observed or treated with medications such as nasal sprays that in some cases decrease the...
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