Sleep Articles
Browse Articles on Sleep Disorders & Sleep Problems

8 Things You Should Know About Fibromyalgia
Sleep disturbances are among the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia. In fact, along with fatigue, diffuse pain, and psychosocial distress, sleep disturbances are a core feature. In the last few years, it has become increasingly clear that treating the associated...
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The Link Between Sleep and Diabetes
Diabetes and sleep are closely related, and the relationship between them is a two way street. In other words, diabetes may lead to issues with sleep, but sleep disorders can also lead to diabetes. Below is a closer look at this intricate relationship and some ways to...
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Obesity and Sleep
I was glad to see that obesity is now being called a disease. It should bring much needed attention to a problem that is strongly linked to diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. However, I was somewhat perturbed by the lack of media attention being given to the...
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Sleep and Childhood Brain Development: The Critical Link
In this month’s British Medical Journal, there’s a report on a study demonstrating the relationship of sleep to brain development in kids. It is called the Millennium Cohort Study, and it followed 11,000 children. Those children who demonstrated irregular bedtimes up...
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REM Sleep and Michael Jackson’s Death
Was it lack of REM sleep, induced by a drug, that killed Michael Jackson? In the wrongful death case filed by Michael Jackson’s family, it has been hypothesized that death may have occurred due to the medication Propofol, which decreases REM sleep. REM sleep is also...
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What’s the Big Deal About Insomnia?
Approximately 40% of Americans experience symptoms of insomnia each year. 15% of these individuals suffer from persistent insomnia. This is defined by duration of longer than one month and persistent symptoms on two or more follow-up visits with their health care...
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