Sleep Articles
Browse Articles on Sleep Disorders & Sleep Problems

Vacation Travel Tips for Better Sleep
Whether you are traveling a hundred miles by car or across many time zones by plane, your sleep is very important. Here are some tips that might help. If you are traveling by car, make sure you get a good night’s sleep before the journey. Stop every two hours to...
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Key Facts About the Most Common Sleep Disorder
Up to 30% of Americans complain of insomnia—but what does this common sleep disorder entail? If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you could have insomnia. Understanding the facts about this disorder can help you recognize it and seek the answers you...
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PTSD and Sleep Disorders Often Go Together
John, a 25-year-old combat veteran of Afghanistan, was sent to me for sleep apnea by the local VA hospital. He was somewhat withdrawn and unemotional. As we spoke, I discovered that he had severe insomnia and recurrent nightmares. He was becoming progressively more...
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How Sleep and Alcohol Are Linked
Sleep and alcohol use are firmly intertwined. We know that 30% of people with insomnia turn to alcohol to help them sleep. We also know that insomnia is one of the greatest predictors of relapse in alcoholics. So what is the problem with alcohol and sleep?...
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Alzheimer’s and the Sleep Cycle
It is well-known that people with Alzheimer’s have difficulty with sleep. One of the areas the disease attacks is the sleep/wake center of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus. This results in severe problems with the timing of falling asleep and waking up –...
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The Afternoon Slump
By Robert Rosenberg, DO Why is it that so many people complain of sluggishness after lunch? What is it about this particular time of day that makes some of us so vulnerable to fatigue and sleepiness? Why is it so common to have trouble concentrating and paying...
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