Sleep Articles
Browse Articles on Sleep Disorders & Sleep Problems

A Good Night’s Sleep
By Robert Rosenberg, DO What you need to know to get a good night’s sleep: We know that 30% of the American population is sleeping less than six and one-half hours a night. We also know that 15% of Americans suffer from chronic insomnia. So what can we do to improve...
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Insomnia: The Most Common Sleep Disorder
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in the United States. Approximately, 30% of the population complains of: difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or early morning awakenings. There are two major schools of thought as to why someone might suffer from...
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Stimulus Control Guidelines
Set a Reasonable Bedtime and Arising Time and Stick to Them. Spending excessive time in bed has two unfortunate consequences: (1) you begin to associate your bedroom with arousal and frustration, and (2) your sleep actually becomes more shallow. Set the alarm clock...
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Sleep Hygeine
Maintain a regular bedtime schedule Avoid excessive time in bed -unrelated to sleep. Avoid naps. Use bed only for sleep and sexual relations. Do not watch the clock. Do something relaxing before bedtime. Make bedtime as quiet as possible. Avoid the consumption...
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Progressive Muscle Relaxation
The object of progressive muscle relaxation is to relax your mind and body by alternately tensing and relaxing muscle groups. In this exercise, you will tense and relax muscle groups without straining. As you tense each group, take a slow breath through your nose and...
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Deep Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing is a relaxation technique that can be self-taught. Deep breathing releases tension from the body and clear the mind, inlproving both physical and nlental wellness. We tend to breathe shallowly or even hold our hold our breath when we are feeling...
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