Sleep Articles
Browse Articles on Sleep Disorders & Sleep Problems

Sleep and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is considered an anxiety disorder. It is usually seen in those who have undergone a life threatening event. It is particularly common in our veterans and is characterized by recurrent nightmares and flashbacks of the event. Those...
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Sleep and Headache
It has become increasingly clear that there is a relationship between sleep and headache. We know that lack of sleep can trigger a migraine. It is also well established that sleep may help to relieve migraine headaches. We now know that various sleep disorders such as...
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My Child Can’t Sleep
If children are not sleeping well, they may experience developmental or behavior problems, and in turn, parents and siblings may suffer unnecessary stress as well. What’s most important is recognizing problems in your child’s sleep so that you can start to solve them....
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Acting Out Dreams
Acting out dreams, or “REM Behavior Disorder” (RBD) is a common, but poorly understood sleep disorder. Normally, when we enter dream sleep, we lose muscle tone and become paralyzed. Only the diaphragm and eye muscles are able to move. This is nature’s way of...
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Sleep and Depression
We have known for many years that there is a relationship between insomnia and depression. 80% of patients with depression suffer from insomnia. 40% of patients with chronic insomnia are clinically depressed. This is not coincidental as chronic insomnia may predate...
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