Sleep Articles
Browse Articles on Sleep Disorders & Sleep Problems

Interrupted Sleep? No Wonder You’re Moody
Those of us in sleep medicine are very familiar with the effects of sleep deprivation. Many studies have shown us the problems associated with insufficient sleep. However, what happens to those of us whose sleep is disrupted for five or ten minutes at a time several...
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Sleep and Late Night Exercise—Oops, We May Have Been Wrong
“Better sleep comes with regular exercise” is the assertion in numerous studies. However, we sleep specialists usually add the proviso “but not close to bedtime.” We have thought that by raising core body temperature and activating the sympathetic (fight or flight)...
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PTSD–Want to Stop Those Nightmares? Treat That Sleep Apnea
PTSD is a significant mental health problem in the United States. The estimate is that PTSD affects over one quarter of our veterans. We also know that about 12% of all American women have PTSD—most resulting from physical and sexual abuse. Dysfunctional sleep is a...
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Could You Be Hypnotized into Better Sleep?
The place of hypnosis in sleep medicine has been a subject of debate for many years. A few studies have shown its usefulness in conditions such as nightmares, sleep terrors, bedwetting, sleepwalking, and insomnia. However, few if any of these studies have been based...
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Let the Sunshine in to Sleep at Night
In the 1960’s, the musical Hair featured a song titled Let the Sunshine In. Little did we know back then that it might become a clarion call for modern day architecture. According to a recent study, poorly lit and windowless work environments can have significant...
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Why a Bad Night’s Sleep Makes it Harder to Focus
You know how your brain acts when you're tired: it's hard to remember things and your thoughts are sluggish. Sleep deprivation strongly impairs memory and learning, and research confirms it this (though the actual mechanism causing these deficits has escaped...
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