Sleep Articles
Browse Articles on Sleep Disorders & Sleep Problems

Snoozing or Losing? How the Snooze Button Affects Your Sleep
I am often asked by my patients if it is okay to keep hitting the snooze button for those extra zzzz’s. They want to know if it is beneficial or detrimental. My answer is “ask yourself why do you need to do that and does it really make you feel better”? In reality, it...
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Children’s Sleep and How it Affects Emotions and Cognitive Performance
For a long time we have thought that sleep affects children’s emotional and cognitive functioning. However, few studies have been done in youths to verify this. In the November issue of the Journal of Pediatric Psychology, just such a study was performed. Taking...
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Sleep and High Blood Pressure
There are two studies published this year in the journal Sleep Medicine that demonstrate the link between sleep and hypertension. In the first, titled Epidemiological Evidence for the Link Between Sleep Duration and High Blood Pressure, the authors reviewed 21 studies...
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Childhood Depression and Sleep Apnea
We have noted a significant correlation between depression and sleep disorders in adults for years. However, in this month’s issue of Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, a study entitled The Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Obstructive Sleep Apnea in...
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Facts and Fiction about Food and Sleep
1. The tryptophan in the holiday turkey makes you sleepy. Fiction. There is as much if not more tryptophan in other foods such as dairy products, fish, chicken, and egg whites. It is the associated carbohydrates, alcohol, and large size of the meal that causes...
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10 Things You Should Know About Narcolepsy
1. Narcolepsy is a chronic neurologic disorder resulting in severe sleepiness in about 1 of every 2,000 Americans. It is second only to sleep apnea as a cause of daytime sleepiness. It is due to the loss of cells in the hypothalamus that produce the wake-promoting...
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